Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Apps that will make your life easier living in Daegu

Apps that will make your life easier living in Daegu

How do you find living in Daegu? Can you easily access to information you want to get? How often do you use your smartphone to get info? Here are some useful apps based on English language.

1. Daegu Junggu Walking Tour
walking tour
watlking tour01 watlking tour02
This walking tour app provides several walking tour courses to users. There are five courses on walking tour course menu, two theme tour courses (which are also walkable). Of course you can check your routes on the map.
watlking tour03watlking tour04
Daegu Junggu Walking Tour app also has six videos of interesting sightseeing places in Daegu. The most attractive feature of this app is you can search stores/opened toilets/lodging near you. *Korean, Chinese, Japanese are available.

2. Daegu Guide
Daegu guide
If you need any amenities, such as hospitals, food stores, restaurants, beauty shops, museums, banks, this app will help you a lot. It has such vast database on every category. For example, you can find from burn units to funeral halls on Hospital category. Did you know that there was a North Korean restaurant in Daegu? You can find it on this app. ;) The only minor weakness of this app is when you use the app for a long time, it might become slower to react.
Daegu guide01 Daegu guide02 Daegu guide03 Daegu guide04Daegu guide05 Daegu guide06 Daegu guide07

3. Daegu Tour
Daegu Tour
Another very helpful app! The biggest charm of this app is ‘public transport’ menu. If you know the bus stop number, you can easily check what buses are coming and when they’ll be arriving at the bus stop.
Daegu tour bus stop number01 Daegu tour bus stop number02
The only thing you need to know is the bus stop number. Every bus stop has its own number. You can simply check the blue sign at the bus stop. Those 4-5 digit number is all you need to know.

Daegu Tour01
Daegu Tour02
Daegu Tour03Follow this order and you’ll be done: Daegu Tour. app-Public Transport-Bus Arrival Info-Enter your bus stop number-Voila!
You don’t have to hurry to catch a bus anymore. Just check this arrival info, take your time as much as you can, and leave your place on time.

4. Subway
One more time management app! I actually use this app almost every day. I can not live without this app anymore. Honestly this app doesn’t need a long explanation to master. From Seoul to Gwangju, it has all subway maps in Korea. You can check the timetable, transit info, and find nearby stations.  *Korean, English, Japanese are available.
Subway01 Subway02 Subway03

Courteasy by: hellohansol

Monday, September 22, 2014





 PART # 04-A

Korean Culture and Life

* Family Culture


* Housing Culture

* Consumption and Economic Life

* Transportation in Korea

* Use of Public Administration

* Use of Convenience Facilities

* Family Culture

i) Family life in Korea is unique. Marriage immigrants who understand the characteristics of Korean families can more easily adjust themselves to their new families, and 
understand the culture of Korea. Family culture can vary by family and by region.Korean  culture is based on Confucianism. The family culture of Korea has some similarities 
to that of countries with Confucian culture, but it has changed in the course of rapid industrialization.

i) Family Relations
• A harmonious family is just as important as each member’s happiness.
• Hierarchy is important within the family. Children should be taught to respect their 

elders and to express their opinions in a polite manner.

• Parent-child relationships are special. Korean parents place great emphasis on

providing love and care for their children. Sometimes, they can overly indulge their children and cause them to become extremely dependent. 
• Filial piety is greatly emphasized. This refers to the children’s duty to take care of their parents in their old ages.

iii) Husband and Wife Relations
• Husband and wife relations are important, but your role as a son or daughter and a parent plays a large part as well.
• Housework and bringing up children have traditionally been considered the woman’s job. But recently more men are starting to help out at home.

• Korean men are not used to showing affection in public. As a husband praising his wife in front of other family members is generally frowned upon, they take a prudent attitude about it.

ii) Adapting to Family Life
In order to have a happy marriage in Korea, it is important to overcome the cultural differences. It can be difficult to adapt to family life and culture in Korea. If you are experiencing problems, consider the following recommendations.

• Try to understand each other’s family culture
• Learn more about family tradition from your husband and in-laws
• Respect and follow the family culture
• Solve problems through communication
• Seek help from others

P.S @ ※ If you are still facing difficulties, contact your nearest Multicultural Family Support Center (☎1577-5432) or the Migrant Women’s Hotline 1366 Center (☎1577-1366).

vi) Language Etiquette
“Title” is used when we call someone, and “Designation” is used when we speak of the person. In Korea, we often use diverse titles or designations to call or refer to the same person. Korean names and names in Chinese characters are mixed and used as titles and designations. The use of an incorrect title or designation may give offense to others.

a) Titles and Designations of Family Members
In Korea, there are specific titles for each family member. The family trees* below show the titles and designations used by the husband and wife within the family. The wife 

usually uses the honorific level towards the husband’s family, regardless of age. The husband uses the honorific towards the wife’s family if they are older in age, and less formal language if they are younger. These customs differ according to the household, so you should discuss this matter with your husband or in-laws beforehand.

✽ Family tree: Connecting lines are used to explain family relations. A horizontal line indicates ties by marriage, while a vertical line refers to parent-children relationships.

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Honorific and Casual Expressions
In Korea, there are slight differences in language style depending on the difference in age, relation, and social status between the speaker and the listener. These differences can be broadly described as two speaking styles: honorific and casual.
• The honorific level is used towards elders and less formal language for younger people.
• Speak at a casual level when speaking to a friend or someone younger than you.