Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Daegu’s Herbal Medicine Market (Former, Daegu Yangnyeong Market)

Daegu’s Herbal Medicine Market (Former, Daegu Yangnyeong Market)

This market, west of the central shopping district, has a history as vast as its scope. It dates from 1658, making it Korea’s oldest medicine market and still one of its largest. The stores spill onto the street with fragrant curiosities from lizards’ tails to magic mushrooms (the latter only with a prescription); you might also catch a glimpse of someone receiving acupuncture. Start at the museum to learn the uses of every spiky herb.

 Address:51-1, Namseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
대구 중구 남성로 51-1

Type  & Products
Traditional Markets / Oriental herbal medicine, herbal medicine incense packs, herbal medicine alcohol, etc.

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