Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology
DGIST is a research-oriented university with a full support from Korean government.
DGIST started with a research institution in 2004 and grew into a research-oriented university by opening graduate program in 2011, and the undergraduate program in March, 2014. DGIST focuses its research and education in six areas, such as Emerging Materials Science, Information & Communication Engineering, Robotics Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Brain Science, and New Biology.
The six areas are called ‘MIREBraiN’: M for Materials, I for Information & Communication, R for Robotics, E for Energy, B for Brain, and N for New Biology. The pronunciation of MIRE in Korean is the same to that of ‘future.’ DGIST’s vision, which was declared in May 2012, is to become a world-leading convergence research university by nurturing the global leaders of knowledge creation and creating future convergence technology.
Vision and goal
From downtown of Daegu
By shuttle bus
- DGIST operates shuttle bus for visitors. Visitors can take a shuttle bus departs from several stations of Daegu subway. Please refer to the shuttle bus timetable on Campus Life-Shuttle Bus page of this site. (Visitors can take a shuttle bus for commuters, although it is classified as shuttle for commuters.)
By city bus
- Take bus No.600(간선 600) or No.655(간선 655) → get off at Hyeonpung bus terminal(현풍터미널) → take bus Dalseong 8(달성 8) or Dalseong 8-1(달성 8-1) → get off at DGIST
※ You can find route information of above bus lines on Daegu Bus Line Guide(http://businfo.daegu.go.kr/ba/index/index.do?locale=en)(Search Route page). - ADDRESS: 333, Techno jungang-daero, Hyeonpung-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, Korea
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